Friday, April 17, 2009

washing ashore again

Did it occur to anyone but me that maybe time just goes by too quickly these days? Like, it was just April Fool's Day, with plenty of time to do this round up (or perhaps write a story) and now it's the middle of the month-ish and....

Nothing's changed here. ;)

Better late than never, is the mantra du casa, and so here are March's stories, in no particular order, and with lil' ol' links to the stories that you should go read and comment on:

Connie has a tale with a crack-the-whip feel

Dave rings in with two, the first a letter from home, the second a love story of sorts.

Buzzardbilly, a new addition to our group (Hi, BB!) brings us a slice of death on the bayou.

Pioden deftly shades relationships on a background of fantasy.

Tiff throws one in the ring (late) with a seemingly simple conversation.

And The Only Daughter finishes out this round of stories with one woman's take on a beautiful morning.


Might I say that it is spectacular that there is not one story similar to another, despite the seeming 'normalcy' of the prompt picture? This is indeed a happy thing, and should be honored at each author's site with your thoughts and comments.

Thanks to all who wrote. It's amazing what your brains can do.

Now, here's a little carrot for a-dangling - the first person to send in a picture for next month's prompt will have that picture WIN! Ready, set.....